What I don't take for granted

I recently received a cool link to vintage ads and found a 1950's ad set in the foreground of the Antigua Arch, probably the most photographed spot in Antigua, Guatemala. I wanted to show you a then vs. now photo and realized that I didn't have a current picture. I have pictures of many things Antigua, but not the famous arch.

I'm not an avid photographer who likes to capture everything I see. I often rely on my mind's eye in exchange for being in the moment. It's just that it hit me that I'd been taking that arch for granted. I know the arch itself isn't a big deal. You get what I'm saying, though, don't you? I ran right out to get a picture.

Antigua Arch 1950's

p.s. Here's what I don't take for granted: everyone who has offered me a room to sleep and a meal during my recent visit to the states (especially Jean's most comfortable bed in the whole world); my renter in the U.S. - she is the absolute best; my new renters here in Antigua - they also are the best; baking cookies with friends; KrisforKids readers; Niños del Lago donors, volunteers and the entire Niños del Lago team; good leaders who move things forward; my family - snow days with my sisters, dinner with my brothers, Christmas Eve with the whole family, and especially the 4th generation; my enduring friendships, new and old; the list goes on......

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