Good friends, good music, good times, and a good cause.

This is what Success looks like to me!

We held an event to benefit Niños del Lago called Child's Play for Childrens Day. The event was held at the Irish Eyes in Chicago on 11/20 in celebration of Universal Childrens Day, the day the United Nations adopted the convention on the Rights of the Child.

Thanks to the efforts of my good friend and former co-worker, Sue Patel, who generously donated $413 she made in tips and my good friends Jean Erhardt and Andrea Pine who sold $505 worth of Guatemalan crafts, we received a total of $918. Add to that the personal benefit of seeing so many friends in one place at one time and I would say it was a smashing success!

A very special thanks to all of you who invited additional people and to those of you who attended.

Take a look at what your contributions are supporting (the camp construction photos in the right banner give you a good view of our progress). I hope you'll stay tuned to next year and watch the continuing development.

Good bye sandals and sun; Hello coats and clouds

I've had recent technology issues and that has kept me somewhat silent, but I'll be live and in person in the coming months.

A family visit:

Last week, my parents and 2 of my aunts visited me here in Guatemala. Besides visiting the camp site they met some of my friends from the park - Juliana who sells jewelry, Domingo, the shoe shine boy you've seen in prior posts, and Carlos a shoe shine boy in Panajachel who is a little more fragile than the others. His situation is a different story and one that I hope to learn more about and share with you when I return to Guatemala in mid-January.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I arrive in Chicago on 11/4, attend a fundraising event on 11/20 at the Irish Eyes (click on Child's Play for children's Day), and then move on to Philadelphia area on 12/2 to spend Christmas with my family, meet with a church group, and talk to a group of school children about Niños del Lago. While there, I make a side trip to Baltimore to visit with some very close friends and donors. I return to Chicago the day after Christmas, take a another side trip to Minneapolis to share progress with a group that is being coordinated by one of our donors, and then return to Guatemala on 1/17. Are you tired yet?

Before I forget - our latest Newsletter:

Lots of great photos - worth a look.

Good Bye sandals and sun; Hello coats and clouds:

Hasta Luego (see you later) to all my friends in Guatemala and Hola (hello) to all my friends in the states. Thank you for your support this year!


I had a personal goal to reach $5000 before returning to the states. Thanks to my monthly recurring donations and my good friend, Micky, today - 3 days before my departure - I've met that goal. Can you see my smile?

Day of the Dead - November 1st

And now I hope to make you smile with some beautiful pictures from today's kite festival - held annually on the Day of the Dead. These are from a small town, Sumpango, about 20 minutes outside of Antigua.