Congratulations to Sandy and Ron

I want to tell you about my dear and close friend, Sandy. She and her now husband, together 18 years, were married last Saturday in their home community in Oxford, MD. Why do I mention it? Because I so admire them as a couple that I wanted to share it.

According to the Hendricks Institute there are three types of relationships: toxic, where people are more sick with their partner than they are normally (very few in this category); learning, where partners learn from each other (most fall into this category); and celebratory, where the partners love each other in a most whole and beautiful way that is characterized mostly by their co-creation.  I not only strive to be in this category (one day), but I LOVE it when I see it. And I see it, whenever I see Sandy and Ron.

What makes Sandy an extraordinary individual is what I imagine makes her an extraordinary partner. She is a true creator: focused on expansion always. She is an unstoppable force; is the most intelligent woman I know (except for my mom of course);  knows how to get her point across in the most fluent, kind and caring way; and expresses dissatisfaction as an opportunity for change, without blame and criticism and honoring where you are.  She laughs contagiously and loves to play (maybe why we get along so well).  I really don't think I've ever met anyone quite like her.

I've learned a lot about life and keeping love in my heart from Sandy. Congratulations Sandy and Ron. I love you both.  This is your e-card by the way.....
Hi Everyone,

On November 12th I'm participating in a local 5K run/walk, organized by my sister-in-law Doris, to benefit Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society.  I am walking as part of a group sponsorship, organized by my sister Rhoda, for Gloria Bobyak, aka 'my mom'.

We'll have a banner and T-shirts along with our very own, very cool logo (above), designed by my other sister-in-law Greta (are you seeing a pattern with the sisters?).   If you participate in the sponsorship, you too get your name on the T-shirt along with the very cool logo and my gratitude.

What you probably don't know is that my mom has raised money for the Relay for Life for more than 15 years and has chaired the local event as recently as last year.  That's why this year's Macoby Run Run proceeds are going there.

If you would like to be a part of 'Walking for Gloria', you may do so by sending a donation check to me by next Friday, October 29th.  We need it by then to get the order to the printer.  Remember to include your mailing address so that I can mail you the t-shirt.

Well, no time to put it off so if you're going to do it, do it now!  Here's the information:

Check made payable to:  Macoby Run Run

Mail to:
Kris Hettrick
513 Pottstown Avenue
Pennsburg, PA  18073

 "That was easy!"  Where's that easy button?  Good night, my friends (it's my bedtime here).

Transforming the Inner Critic

As you know, I've been struggling with my blog's purpose since I'm no longer in Guatemala.  And, as I write this, my inner critic chimes in with "nobody wants to hear what you have to say" (actually I believe that I am blessed/plagued? with two inner critics who sing to me in tandem chorus like children singing  "row, row, row your boat").

Hmh...I think not!

Well, I've been doing some research on how to tame this little bugger and I've learned a new tip.  Besides talking back to the inner critic, which I do quite successfully at times, (( i.e. tell him/her/them to STOP; ignore them; correct them with evidence of the opposite of what they say (last month, there were more than 300 views on my blog. Yes, I realize that a real blogger has several thousand but the point is, Somebody cares)); there's an additional tactic that will replace that inner troublemaker with an inner creator.

Turn the criticism into a more positive and thoughtful question because using your mind to answer the question that inner voice is asking is the road to your negative downfall.

These are the questions that I am asking myself:

  • I wonder how I can re-purpose my blog and what I could write about that people would care to read
  • I wonder what type of freelance work I will do and how quickly I will begin doing it
  • I wonder what I will learn next
  • I wonder how I can give more to the world
  • I wonder who will walk with me 

And as my mind engages these questions, I tend to the details of goal setting and action taking.  I am excited about the new ideas my mind, in full consultation with her boss, my heart, will come up with.  In the meantime, any tips, ideas and suggestions about the above questions are encouraged and welcome!

P.S.  I wonder how long it will take for at least one person to sign up for email updates so that I can see that number go up (hint: it's on the right hand side of the blog).  My critic chorus has been having a field day with that one.

Sorry - no photos today!  I have no pictures of my insides and I don't think you'd want to see them anyway.