May I go on a selfish tangent here? I am still in shock and never once did it cross my mind that she would live anything other than an illness free life (OK, maybe a cold) until she was at least 90 which is when my grandmother passed. I know this is not logical thinking but it was my thinking.
And so, now I wonder what to do with KrisforKids. I started KrisforKids as you know when I came to work here in Guatemala. Very quickly, it become more than about my work with Ninos del Lago and later From Houses to Homes. I shared with you stories about my home, my roommates, people I met, the kids in the park and the devastating destruction of Agatha. It was the journal of my life in this small country that grabbed my heart, exasperated me, tested me, left me lonely, made me laugh, cry and scream and inspired me. And without warning or preparation, I say good bye.
But this is life and we don't get to choose what's presented to us. We create what we can and respond to the rest. I think I'd like to continue writing and may need a new name for the blog. Can you help me? I'm not feeling terribly creative at the moment.
Before I leave you, I'd like to share a few photos of my last months in Guatemala, characterized by my work with the health clinic; weekend visits to Santa Cruz, a Lake Atitlan village; hikes to El Ato; and of course my little kid friends from the park.
Children in a small village El Hato. My friend Dave and I used to hike here on our way to 'Earth Lodge', an eco-lodge, hostel type of place just an hour's walk from Antigua:
A typical view of local women with their wares on their heads
The kids came to the my home one day this year to swim in the condominium's pool:
I spent many weekends in Santa Cruz, a small village on Lake Atitlan this year. Here's a picture of the beautiful place that was often my home while there; friends Dave and Liz at a restaurant on the Lake and a view from our hike to that restaurant:
And it was at this Lake, where I learned the news about my mom.
The best team in Guatemala. These are the people who are continuing their work in the health clinic that I managed up until just a few days ago. I miss them already.
This year many of my pictures came from my friend Dave of the interest of giving credit where credit is due, it is no different with the above photos. The only picture I've taken is the one of the health clinic team.