Life happening

You remember that I began working with Niños del Lago more than five years ago and just a year and a half ago, joined the Founder in Guatemala in order to help build the organizational structure. Along the way, you’ve supported me and cheered me on and watched Niños del Lago blossom.

Well, recently, an opportunity to be a part of a health clinic in a village outside of Antigua appeared virtually out of nowhere. Along with it, came the opportunity to take on more direct responsibility and become more integrated into the local community. I think you know where this is leading, verdad? I’ve begun working with them this week to prepare the clinic for it’s opening (date to be determined) and manage the ongoing operations.

The name of the organization is called From Houses to Homes and the clinic, La Clinicas Medicas San Jose, is just a small part of what they do for the families here in Antigua’s surrounding villages. Take a look. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a worthy venture.

And, so I say good bye to my current relationship with Niños del Lago though not good bye in total. You know that much of my heart is with them and that I will stay connected with the project and smile along with everyone else on the opening day.

In the meantime, I take on a full time employment role with From Houses to Homes as the Manager of the Clinic and look forward to further developing my work here in Guatemala.

Stay tuned!